Professional, Creative, Thoughtful
Convening Experts Worldwide
Consensus Conferences
Complicated policy issues surround us every day. MoGer International brings together a diversity of experts to discuss important topics. These individuals define and assess problems, analyze the feasibility of various interventions, and aim to reach a consensus on workable solutions.
An expert may be identified in many ways. Is the person highly knowledgeable and proficient in a particular subject area? Is the individual thoughtful and well-reasoned? Does the person’s background offer unique insight and experience? In essence, an expert is a person distinguished for wisdom and sound judgment. At MoGer International, we identify and engage such experts, ranging from policymakers to researchers to seasoned professionals to community leaders, for client projects and plans.
Specialty Meetings
At MoGer International, we create meetings for select groups of experts. Are you a small specialty organization, consortium of agencies, advisory panel, board of directors? Perhaps you are seeking to convene a roundtable to discuss a specific policy topic or gathering a few dozen international experts for a week-long conference. We will work with you to design, plan and execute the perfect meeting for your group.

At MoGer International, we focus our activities in two areas: consensus conferences and specialty meetings.
MoGer International produces consensus conferences that deliberate on important, contemporary subjects. We identify and convene experts representing a diversity of opinions with the goal of listening to their views and ultimately helping them find common areas of agreement. Typically, our clients will approach us with a specific topic that would benefit from a balanced and informed discussion. We will then coordinate a conference that provides a variety of viewpoints on the matter. Deliberations will proceed using available evidence. A final consensus statement will be produced. For those so choosing, consensus conferences may also be open to the public and final statements may be disseminated broadly. If a consensus is not sought, MoGer International will provide a platform for meaningful roundtable conversations among experts on specific thought topics.
MoGer International also creates and plans meetings for select groups of experts. From locating appropriate venues to planning business and social agendas to developing meeting materials to staffing the event, we aim to handle specialty meetings professionally, creatively, and thoughtfully.
MoGer International professionals come with a range of backgrounds and experiences. Some boast public policy backgrounds in health and sciences, others have orchestrated high-profile consensus conferences, some are public relations gurus, and others have the knack for producing and staffing unique events. Let’s discuss your needs for convening experts, and we’ll match the right people for you.